Our reference librarians are specially trained in children's, young adult, and adult services. They can request materials from partner libraries, place holds on materials, assist your research, recommend books, show you how to use our online catalog, provide computer access, locate materials for you, or answer any other question you have.

The librarians also have access to print and electronic indexes that provide citations to newspaper and magazine articles on a variety of subjects. Articles can be obtained in print, microfilm, or online format. As a member of the New Jersey Library Network, the New Brunswick Free Public Library has the power to go far beyond its own doors to provide the information needed.

Our services are available in person, by phone, or by email. It might surprise you how much of our library's services are completely free. Take advantage of our access!

Phone: 732-745-5108 x20
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Computer Classes

We offer one-on-one computer skills tutoring appointments. Please call 732-745-5108 x22 or x20 to schedule an appointment, or visit our Events Page for more details.

Career Services

We have staff available at certain times specifically to offer assistance for those who need to build resumes and cover letters, fill out job applications, prepare for their interviews, apply for unemployment, etc. The service is free and staff are bilingual in Spanish and English. This service is by appointment; visit this page for more details. Please contact the Reference Desk at 732-745-5108 x20 with questions or to schedule an appointment.

Libraries Focused on the Future

Visit the Libraries Focused on the Future webpage, provided through NJLWD funding and the Plainfield Public Library, for virtual job search assistance and digital literacy programs offered for free to all NJ residents. From this landing page you can access free, live, person-to-person chat for help with the following:

  • Resume and cover letter review
  • Job Search
  • Interview skills
  • Completing application forms

as well as free Digital Literacy Training and Certification.